Duncan's utility companies provide quality service with low prices. From construction to operation, Duncan offers companies business-friendly energy solutions. Here are a few examples of what Duncan's utilities can do for business:
- Duncan has overall lowest electric rates for industrial customers. Duncan is fortunate to be one of the few cities that is serviced by three electrical providers: The City of Duncan; Cotton Electric Cooperative; and the Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO/AEP). All provide services within our area and have facilities in place to meet your requested electric demand.
- Duncan Power, one of Duncan's electric providers, offers an incentive rate savings plan through its industrial/educational development rate.
- Duncan has no franchise fee for industrial customers for local gas service.
- Duncan has access to state-of-the-art telecommunications through AT&T.
Duncan Power & Light
Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Cotton Electric Cooperative
Digital Services Available YES
Fiber Optics Available YES
Point of Presence YES
Water & Sewer
Supplier: City of Duncan
Water System Capacity 14,000,000
Water Utilization 10,000,000 GPD (peak); 4,500,000 GPD (average)
Sewage Capacity 6,250,000 MGD
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