Training Available
Duncan Area Economic Development Foundation partners with Red River Technology Center to provide your business with a top-quality training program for prospective employees as part of Oklahoma’s Training for Industry Program (TIP).
Full Time Training Programs:
Automotive Collision |
Electronics Technology |
Automitive Service | Health Careers Certification |
Biomedical Science Academy | Emergency Medical Services |
Business Information Technology Education |
Practical Nursing |
CNC Machining | Pre-Engineering Academy |
Computer-Aided Drafting | Residential Heating and Air Conditioning |
Cosmetology | Welding and Metal Fabrication |
Training for Industry Program (TIP)
Oklahoma's Training for Industry Program (TIP) is available to new and expanding companies. TIP is administered through the Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education (ODVTE) and delivered through a network of 54 centers across the state or on-site. TIP is committed to providing companies with customized training to insure the skilled employees necessary to compete in today's global market and to maintain the competitive advantage in the future. TIP is provided at little or no cost to qualifying companies.
Red River Technology Center (RRTC) and representatives from your company will assess the competencies needed in each job category and design the training program accordingly. A statement of understanding will be developed outlining responsibilities, areas and length of training, number of employees to be trained, and any special requirements.
The TIP training program consists of several components. A major component is the assessment process of potential employees. The RRTC Assessment Center provides aptitude information for potential employees through the use of the SAGE (System for Assessment and Group Evaluation). The SAGE can assess eleven different areas of aptitude, with scores varying from one (1) which indicates the upper 10% (high amount of aptitude) to a five (5) which indicates the bottom 10% (low amount of aptitude.) Those scores can then be compared to specific job tasks as defined in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.
Another type of testing provided is the TABE (Tests of Basic Education). The TABE is similar to the SAGE, in that it measures strengths. It measures general educational development with the results presented as grade equivalency levels, i.e., 12.3 or 8.5.
Pre-Employment Training
Another unique aspect of the TIP program is a Pre-Employment Training component. Potential employees selected as a result of the job application, interview, and assessment can participate in Pre-Employment Training. The potential employee signs a training agreement stating they fully understand they are voluntarily enrolling in a class of instruction to improve their skill or learn a new skill so as to qualify for a job in industry. There is no tuition fee for the training and the individual will not be paid while in training. They are not obligated to accept work with the company nor are they assured of being offered employment upon successful completion.
Pre-Production Testing
Those individuals selected for employment will receive additional customized training through the Pre-Production Training component. Job specific training is designed to train your employees in the process and on the equipment utilized in the course of your operation. The length of training will vary based on specific job tasks.
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